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Počas hry stlač [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[C], čím sa v ľavom hornom rohu obrazovky otvorí okno. Do neho môžeš zapisovať cheaty. Ak naviac napíšeš výkričník, automaticky sa spustí naposledy zadaný cheat. Bodkočiarkou oddeľuješ jednotlivé cheaty od seba, takže ich môžeš naraz spustiť viacej. klapaucius - 1000 peňazí hist_add - pridá nový záznam do histórie aktuálnej rodiny write_destlist - pripája zoznam cieľoých miest trasy do AllRoutes.txt vždy keď sa nájde nová trasa auto_level - stavebné pomôcky automaticky nastavia potrebný level import - automaticky importne a nahrá daný FAM súbor house - automaticky nahrá daný dom prepare_lot - overí a upevní potrebné množstvo predmetov flush - flushne aplikaciu do VM súboru ak bežíš na Win NT crash - zrúti hru water_tool - vytvorí priekopu alebo riečku shrink_text - vytvorí shrunk_text_#.bmp súbory edit_char - character mód interests - zobrazí charakter a záujmy draw_all_frames off - vypne všetky animácie frejmov draw_all_frames on - zapne všetky animácie frejmov draw_origins - vykreslí farebné bodky na mieste začiatku každej postavy core_dump - uloží celý obsah pamäte do súboru core_dump_[date:time].txt dump_happy - uloží do súboru najnovší zoznam dosiahnutej interakcie označenej postavy dump_mc - Dump selected person's motive contribution curve to a file debug_social - Enable debug flag to show outcome choice dialogs for social interactions sim_log end - vypne logovanie cht - Execute "file.cht" file as a list of cheats draw_floorable off - Floorable grid disabled draw_floorable on - Floorable grid enabled assert - Force an assert for testing log_animations - Log animations in the event log window map_edit off - Map editor disabled map_edit on - Map editor enabled move_objects - Move any object tutorial off - No tutorial object generation when tutorial house is loaded browser_failsafe - Prevent web browser crashes preview_anims off - Preview animations disabled preview_anims on - Preview animations enabled tile_info - Programmer stats quit - Quit game #import - Read in behavior tuning constants from Tuning.txt rebuild_cp - Rebuilds entire control panel/UCP from scratch refresh_faces - Refresh the BMP_ resources for all people whose IFF files are writable refresh_textures - Rematch dependent textures and regenerate bitmaps for all user characters restore_tut - Restore tutorial rotation - Rotate camera route_balloons off - Routing debug balloons disabled route_balloons on - Routing debug balloons enabled fam_test - Run series of random operations on unhoused families save - Save currently loaded house history - Save family history file plugh - Say "plugh" porntipsguzzardo - Say "porntipsguzzardo" xyzzy - Say "xyzzy" draw_routes on - Selected person's path displayed draw_routes off - Selected person's path hidden log_mask - Set event logging mask autonomy - Set free thinking level sim_speed - Set game speed edit_grass : - Set grass change value grow_grass - Set grass growth lot_size - Set lot size sim_limit - Set maximum milliseconds to allow simulator sim_speed - Set sim speed set_hour - Set time of day bubbles bubble_tweak - Set z offset for thought Sets up the borders of the lot with non-editable flag. Requires rotation - lot_border Sets whether menu items appear for in use objects - allow_inuse Show memory view window in debug builds of the game - memview Start sim logging - sim_log begin Swap the two house files and updates families - swap_houses Ticks disabled - sweep off Ticks enabled - sweep on Tile information displayed - tile_info on Tile information hidden - tile_info off Toggle allowing visitors to be controlled using the keyboard - visitor_control Toggle assets report - report_assets Toggle automatic object reset feature - auto_reset Toggle calls to PeekMessage within sim loop - sim_peek Toggle camera mode - cam_mode Toggle display of unavailable interactions in person control menus - all_menus Toggle music - music Toggle object compression in save file - obj_comp Toggle quaternion transformations - quats Toggle sound log window - sound_log Toggle sounds - sound Toggle web page creation - html Total reload of people skeletons, animations, suits and skins - reload_people Trigger sound event - soundevent Write out an RTE file every time a route is found - write_routes Write out behavior tuning constants to Tuning.txt - #export
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